The right diet


Proper nutrition is the A & O.


I write all of my experiences here. So, I've had always good experiences.

Feed grain: there are many good products. Feed grain is a supplement.

Vegetables: Eggplant - give only cooked artichoke - only boiled cauliflower - carbon sites that offer then only in very small boiled quantities Broccoli - Cabbage family, if so, to offer only in minimal cooked quantities, chicory - is often taken, Chinese Cabbage - Cabbage family offering if, then only in very small quantities cooked, give salads (lettuce, lettuce in mass, Endive and lettuce), fennel give only boiled carrots - raw or cooked, remove the green parts before, give potato cooked, all green set remove corn - always delicious, raw, boiled, in the piece, from the can - no matter peppers - healthy, only to be taken by our red and yellow, not put the arils, rice - cooked very popular cucumber - always delicious, low in calories, cooked asparagus, tomatoes with the green remove , cherry tomatoes, the green Remove zucchini can be cooked or raw are.


Fruit species: feeding bananas, apples, apricots, pears, strawberries, pomegranate only ripe, (raspberries, blueberries and redcurrants only in mass feeding) cherries, pineapple - just ripe and because of the high acid content in small amounts only feed (Kiwi only in mass feeding) , pumpkin can be given raw or cooked, as the cores, melon - (Watermelon, honeydew melon) with me eating the dish, but this removed for safety reasons, nectarine, papaya - do not too often as it affects digestion, peach, plum, grape - always delicious, no matter what (sweet) variety, plums , remove the green tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, remove the green. Others: Cooked noodles, boiled eggs (!. Eggs can enter their shells, Attention please watch your rat Whether you are doing this just peel away or would eat my food is not the egg shell, is in each rat otherwise) oatmeal like some him some .Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, Old bread is good for their teeth clovers, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, dandelion,


Drinks: water, teas like very many rats (Please no sugar in my tea) what kind of tea? Alpine herbs, mint, chamomile, lime flowers

Controversial food:


Cat & Dog food, as well as meats.


Is controversial. This time I am outer carefully. Buy in many rat foods that you can often shield or sometimes Dog food contains. Personally I give my rats every 3-4 months’ time some meat (Never bloody) often give cooked fish or chicken, dog food.


But as I said this. In a difference of opinion, I have always had good experience with my sweet I write these things here, just from my experiences. After all, there must always show himself. All this I have all my rats keep the be collected. I've had good experiences with it with my sweet so. All my rats, rats had to be there long. So do I write from experience, the rats in the approximation may change?


Everybody writes or speaks from experience! And this is a good thing. There will always be someone who thinks is not good or he would do it differently. But everyone has his experience to pass on as you will be successful. Everybody do what other good experiences. And always comes back to something new. Hands off or stop.


Not every rat is equal. We humans have our preferences so it is in rodents.



If You Have Questions ask Knut